Waxahachie Commercial & Residential Property Damage Lawyers

No automobile property damage claims

Representing Residential & Commercial Property Owners

Texas Litigation Firm Representing Clients Across the U.S.

Contact a Waxahachie Property Damage Attorney

If your property has been damaged, please contact the Waxahachie property damage lawyers of Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, at (214) 308-2027 to discuss your case.

Free Policy and Claim Review

The Waxahachie property damage attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC have represented homeowners and commercial property owners for more than 20 years. We offer a free review of your policy and claim and are happy to discuss the issues that may apply to your individual claim such as damages from frozen/burst pipes and sprinkler systems from this year’s Winter Storm. If you would like our Waxahachie property damage attorneys to review your insurance policy at no cost and with no obligation, please call Grisham & Kendall, PLLC at (214) 308-2027 to schedule a call or contact us using the form.

Recent Reviews

My wife and I thought we were heading into a complicated legal odyssey with a destroyed commercial property until we hired Bill Kendall. His sustained focus and hard work was so effective that we had a great settlement within hours of the first deposition.
F. Jones
Multi-Family Property Claim (Dallas, TX)
Our large hotel was severely damaged by hail. After significant delays by the insurance company, our claim was denied. We hired Bill Kendall and Grisham & Kendall soon after. Through Bill’s efforts during our lawsuit, we were able to reach a favorable settlement close to trial. We would certainly recommend Grisham & Kendall, PLLC to any property owner whose insurance company isn’t treating them fairly.
D. Patel
Hotel Hail Claim

How We Can Help With Waxahachie Damage Claims


At Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, our work guarantees itself. On your property damage claim, you will not owe us anything in fees or case expenses unless we recover additional insurance proceeds or compensation for you through settlement or trial.

Waxahachie Property Damage Lawyer FAQs

If your property in Waxahachie sustains damage, your first step should be to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. Once you’ve taken necessary safety precautions, document the damage by taking photos and making a detailed list of the affected items. Then, contact your insurance company to report the damage. An attorney in Waxahachie, TX, like those at Grisham & Kendall, can provide guidance on the legal aspects of property damage claims if needed.

Assessing the extent of property damage in Waxahachie can be complex. It’s crucial to have professionals, such as contractors or inspectors, evaluate the damage. They can provide a detailed assessment and cost estimates for repairs or replacements. If you suspect the damage was caused by someone else’s negligence, consulting with experienced Waxahachie attorneys is advisable.

Upon discovering property damage in Waxahachie, the following steps are important:

  1. Ensure safety: Prioritize safety for yourself and others on the property.
  2. Document the damage: Take photos or videos, and make a detailed inventory.
  3. Contact your insurance company: Notify them about the damage.
  4. Preserve evidence: Don’t dispose of damaged items until the insurance company has had a chance to assess them.
  5. Consult an attorney in Waxahachie, TX: Legal advice can help protect your rights and navigate the claims process effectively.

Yes, it’s essential to contact your insurance company after experiencing property damage in Waxahachie. Reporting the damage promptly is crucial for initiating the claims process. Your insurance company can guide you on the steps to take and the documentation they’ll require to assess and process your claim.

To document and gather evidence of property damage in Waxahachie:

  1. Take clear photos or videos of the damage.
  2. Create a detailed list of damaged items.
  3. Keep any correspondence with the insurance company.
  4. Preserve damaged items as evidence until your claim is resolved.
  5. If liability is in question, consult with experienced Waxahachie lawyers for guidance on proper evidence collection.

You can file a property damage claim in Waxahachie on your own, but having an attorney in Waxahachie, TX, like those at Grisham & Kendall, can be beneficial. An attorney can navigate the legal aspects, negotiate with insurance companies, and ensure your rights are protected, potentially leading to a better outcome for your claim.

To choose a reliable property damage attorney in Waxahachie, consider the following:

  1. Look for attorneys with experience in property damage cases.
  2. Check reviews and ask for referrals from trusted sources.
  3. Schedule a consultation to discuss your case and assess their expertise.
  4. Ensure they have a good track record in handling property damage claims in Waxahachie.

The compensation for your property damage claim in Waxahachie can vary based on the specific circumstances and your insurance policy. It may include coverage for repairs, replacement, or financial compensation for the damages. An experienced attorney in Waxahachie, TX, can help you understand what you might be entitled to in your situation.

The timeline for resolving property damage cases in Waxahachie varies depending on the complexity of the case, the cooperation of involved parties, and the responsiveness of the insurance company. It can range from several weeks to several months. A Waxahachie attorney can provide a more accurate estimate based on your unique circumstances.

The legal fees associated with hiring a property damage attorney in Waxahachie can vary. Some attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. Others charge hourly rates or flat fees. It’s important to discuss fees and payment arrangements with your attorney during the initial consultation.

The statute of limitations sets a time limit for filing property damage claims in Waxahachie. It varies depending on the nature of the claim and the circumstances. It’s crucial to be aware of these time limits, and consulting with experienced Waxahachie attorneys early in the process can help ensure you don’t miss important deadlines.

Yes, you can negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company on your own. However, keep in mind that insurance companies have experienced adjusters and legal teams on their side. Having a skilled attorney in Waxahachie, TX, to represent your interests can level the playing field and improve your chances of a favorable outcome.

Common types of property damage covered by insurance in Waxahachie can include damage from natural disasters, fire, theft, vandalism, and accidents. The specific coverage depends on your insurance policy. Review your policy or consult with your insurance agent to understand what is covered.

If your property damage claim is denied by the insurance company in Waxahachie, you can appeal the decision. Consult with an attorney in Waxahachie, TX, who can review the denial and help you navigate the appeals process. They can provide guidance on building a stronger case for your claim.

We Look Forward to Reviewing Your Case With No Obligations and Costs Involved. CONTACT US
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