Premises Liability Attorney Texas

Texas Litigation Firm Representing Clients Across the U.S.

Texas Premises Liability Attorneys with Experience

Practicing in Texas since 1995, we have extensive, relevant experience representing victims of auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents — as well as people injured by falls, dog bites and other catastrophic events. Our entire staff prioritizes treating you with care and respect. Fluent Spanish-speaking legal professionals are here to communicate clearly with you if Spanish is your preferred language. Contact us today to arrange a personal, confidential meeting and learn your legal options after suffering personal injury. You will not owe any attorney fees unless we succeed in recovering money for you through settlement or a trial.

Free Policy and Claim Review

The Dallas personal injury attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC have represented Texans more than 20 years. We offer a review of your case and can discuss the issues that may apply to your individual claim relating to an injury or accident. If you would like our Dallas personal injury lawyers to review your case, please call Grisham & Kendall, PLLC at (214) 308-2027 to schedule a call or contact us using the form.

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Recent Reviews

My wife and I thought we were heading into a complicated legal odyssey with a destroyed commercial property until we hired Bill Kendall. His sustained focus and hard work was so effective that we had a great settlement within hours of the first deposition.
F. Jones
Multi-Family Property Claim (Dallas, TX)
Our large hotel was severely damaged by hail. After significant delays by the insurance company, our claim was denied. We hired Bill Kendall and Grisham & Kendall soon after. Through Bill’s efforts during our lawsuit, we were able to reach a favorable settlement close to trial. We would certainly recommend Grisham & Kendall, PLLC to any property owner whose insurance company isn’t treating them fairly.
D. Patel
Hotel Hail Claim

Premises Liability Attorneys Ready To Help

Property owners have a societal duty to keep their property in decent condition so that it does not present a hazard to guests and visitors. Unfortunately, many landowners are careless when maintaining their property and ignore potentially dangerous conditions out of negligence or a desire to escape costly renovations. Hazardous surroundings, such as broken floorboards, dilapidated staircases, or a hole in the rug that might cause a slip and fall injury have the potential to cause serious long-term injuries. Suffering an injury on someone else’s property because they failed to take the appropriate steps to remedy dangerous conditions can be a painful and exasperating ordeal. Ensuring property is in safe condition is vital to any neighborhood or community, especially if there is a possibility of children entering the premises and suffering injuries.

When To Contact A Premises Liability Lawyer

When you injure yourself on another’s property due to their willful lack of upkeep, the property owner may be held accountable for premises liability. At Grisham & Kendall, PLLC our premises liability lawyers are knowledgeable about personal injury claims and want to help you take action against responsible parties. We have years of experience fighting for clients who are at odds with negligent property owners. Contact our offices at (214) 308-2027 today to speak to a member of our legal team.

Contact a Premises Liability Attorney in Texas

Although a premises liability case may seem daunting, the knowledgeable personal injury lawyers at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC know the appropriate steps to take to hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence. If you or someone you know suffered an injury on another’s property due to their carelessness, reach out to our offices to discuss your case.

Common Premises Liability Claims

Property owners who ignore their duty to eradicate unsafe conditions are not only endangering themselves, but are putting anyone that might enter the premises at risk. Some common conditions that may lead to a premises liability case include:

  • Inadequate or non-existent building security
  • Unsecured wires or extension cords
  • Wet or slippery floors
  • Unsecured rugs or holes in a carpet
  • Wet or waxy floors
  • Defective staircases
  • Missing steps
  • Faulty elevator or escalator
  • Asbestos
  • Water leaks
  • Toxic fumes or chemicals
  • Dangerous wiring

A premises liability case relies on the fact that the property owner knew about the potential hazard and failed to act in removing it. If you know a negligent property owner’s actions caused your injury, you likely have a premises liability case worth pursuing.

An experienced lawyer can help you recover damages for any medical expenses, lost wages as well as physical pain and suffering. The attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC will aggressively pursue the rights of personal injury victims who have been hurt or injured due to the negligence of other residential or commercial property owners.

Texas Premises Liability

Premises liability cases cover a wide range of situations in which people are injured or suffer a wrongful death on commercial or residential property due to the negligent operation, maintenance, use or design of property owned by someone other than the injured party. The term “premises liability” encompasses many events that cause injury and may give rise to liability such as:

  • Slip-and-fall injuries such as when a customer or tenant slips on ice that forms on the surface of the parking lot due to the negligence of the property owner, such as by leaving a sprinkler system on when temperatures are below freezing.
  • Slip-and-fall injuries such as when a customer or tenant falls due to failure to properly maintain railings, porches or stairs.
  • Slip-and-fall injuries such as when a customer slips on a wet floor caused by mopping by an employee who failed to place signs warning the public of a dangerous condition.
  • Trip-and-fall injuries when a customer trips on items placed on the walking surface by an employee of the property owner.
  • Dog bites from a dog that had a history of biting and is not sufficiently restrained.
  • Injuries caused by an employee of a business or property owner that drops an object or knocks an object into a customer.
  • Suffering injuries from malfunctioning doors or elevators.
  • Being sexually assaulted as a tenant because the property owner failed to provide adequate security or as a customer because the business owner failed to provide security.
  • Dram shop liability because a bar owner or restaurant owner served customers drinks when it was obvious to the server that the person was intoxicated and the customer injured himself or another party.

Property owners and occupiers owe a different duty to their tenants than does an owner/occupier to people lawfully visiting the premises. In other words, a landlord may owe a different duty to a tenant, such as a contractual duty pursuant to a lease, than the owner of a store owes to a customer. For an injured person to be successful in a claim against a property owner/occupier, the person generally must prove the following:

  • A condition existed on the property that posed an unreasonable risk of harm to a person present on the property.
  • The owner/occupier knew, or should have known in the exercise of ordinary care, that the condition of his or her property posed an unreasonable risk of harm to the person present.
  • The owner/occupier should have anticipated that a person on the property would not discover the danger or would fail to protect him or herself against it.
  • The owner/occupier was negligent in that he or she created the condition, knew about the condition and negligently failed to correct it or should have known about the condition.
  • The person present on the property sustained injuries caused by the condition of the property.

Condition No. 2 is generally one of the more difficult elements to prove. If the condition was created by the owner/occupier of the property, such as mopping a floor, it is not necessary to prove that the owner/occupier knew or should have known of the dangerous condition. If the condition was created by the owner/occupier, then the owner is on notice of the condition. In such cases, the owner/occupier has a duty to exercise ordinary care for the safety of those lawfully on the property. As notice of a dangerous condition is often the most difficult element of a premises liability case to prove, cases involving a defective condition on the property that was created by the owner/occupier may be more likely to succeed.


See Also:

Houston Premises Liability Lawyers

Dallas Premises Liability Lawyers

Contact Us to Speak With a Premises Liability Lawyer

If you were injured because of a dangerous condition on someone else’s property, contact us immediately. Property owners and their insurance companies hire experts to determine how to get out paying legitimate claims. Hire someone to represent your interest. At the Law Offices of Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, we can help you get your claim resolved so that you can move on with your life.

We Look Forward to Reviewing Your Case With No Obligations and Costs Involved. CONTACT US
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