College Station Commercial & Residential Property Damage Lawyers

No automobile property damage claims

Representing Residential & Commercial Property Owners

Texas Litigation Firm Representing Clients Across the U.S.

Contact an Insurance Attorney College Station

If your property has been damaged, please contact the College Station property damage lawyers of Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, at (214) 308-2027 to discuss your case.

Free Policy and Claim Review

The College Station property damage attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC have represented homeowners and commercial property owners for more than 20 years. We offer a free review of your policy and claim and are happy to discuss the issues that may apply to your individual claim such as damages from frozen/burst pipes and sprinkler systems from this year’s Winter Storm, fire damage, hail damage, and more. If you would like our College Station property damage attorneys to review your insurance policy at no cost and with no obligation, please call Grisham & Kendall, PLLC at (214) 308-2027 to schedule a call or contact us using the form.

Recent Reviews

My wife and I thought we were heading into a complicated legal odyssey with a destroyed commercial property until we hired Bill Kendall. His sustained focus and hard work was so effective that we had a great settlement within hours of the first deposition.
F. Jones
Multi-Family Property Claim (Dallas, TX)
Our large hotel was severely damaged by hail. After significant delays by the insurance company, our claim was denied. We hired Bill Kendall and Grisham & Kendall soon after. Through Bill’s efforts during our lawsuit, we were able to reach a favorable settlement close to trial. We would certainly recommend Grisham & Kendall, PLLC to any property owner whose insurance company isn’t treating them fairly.
D. Patel
Hotel Hail Claim

How We Can Help With College Station Damage Claims

Property Damage Lawyer College Station FAQs

Homeowners insurance offers to pay for disasters to your home along with assurance the funds will be available if you make a monthly payment. With insurance, you should have less stress if a hurricane or flooding harms your property. However, insurance companies use a lot of tricks to pay you as little as possible and hold off on paying you for as long as they can. The home property damage lawyers at Grisham & Kendall have a lot of experience working with insurance companies to get fair settlements for their clients. Learn how we can help you get the payment you deserve.

You should hire an attorney to represent you if filing a claim for property damage become time-consuming or complex because of the insurance company. Lawyers speak the language insurance companies need to hear to release a claim. In addition, they have a lot to gain from not paying out or delaying payment and often need eloquent reminders from an attorney or even a lawsuit. 


You do not need this kind of stress. The process may seem overly complicated or frustrating as you do not handle these problems often. However, we know the process and can get you results without all the irritation. As a bonus, a lawyer can spot any acts of bad faith.


It is disappointing that insurance companies might prioritize profits before helping policyholders, but it is possible. A settlement they give might not be enough to cover all the expenses you have incurred. Our legal team can help make things right if you have suffered damage to your home.

You should let your lawyer handle all of the correspondence and conversations with the insurance adjusters. A lawyer can help you with any kind of insurance claim. You could be dealing with more than one kind of damage if you are in College Station, Texas if there is a hurricane, lightning damage, flooding, or other problem. 


But when it comes to damage to property, the most common ones are: 



Roof damage

Foundation issue

Trim for a house 

Water leaks 

Water damage 



Other Thefts

When it comes to early settlements, insurance companies often make lowball offers to avoid paying out large sums. A good lawyer will look at the offer made by the insurance company and tell you whether you should accept it or keep talking. Do not accept any offer until you have talked to a lawyer first. Once you accept an offer, you can not ask your insurance company for more money.

If your insurance company says no to your claim, you need to fight back or get a lawyer. Hire a property damage lawyer with years of experience to get a fair settlement from your insurance company with less trouble. 


An unfair settlement is unacceptable, and you deserve to be treated the way the company promised when you purchased the policy. Insurance firms fail homeowners, causing irritation and loss. You need a lawyer because insurance companies often try to avoid paying valid claims, even if they must. We speak their language and work well.


An attorney can determine if you need to take the insurance company to court. Do your part to build a strong case, as the insurance company and judge will require clear proof of damage with a paper trail. Remember, in exchange for a monthly or annual fee; insurance companies are supposed to give people peace of mind. 

Your insurance company may take too long to pay your claim, all while you are losing money and in a bind. The money needs to come in to cover the repairs, hotel, and ensure you are not sent to collections. In Texas, insurance companies are usually required to pay your claim within five business days after approving a claim. They love to stall to continue collecting interest off the account. A good lawyer will help speed up the process so you can get the right settlement and get back to normal.

Grisham & Kendall PLLC wants to assist you if your insurance company fails to payout on a valid claim. While they have tricks up their sleeve to deny or delay a claim payout, we have tricks too ready to get you your money so you can get back to your life. To discuss your disputed property insurance loss claim and construction fault claim, call Grisham & Kendall, PLLC in Texas at (214) 308-2027. Get a fair settlement immediately.


At Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, our work guarantees itself. On your property damage claim, you will not owe us anything in fees or case expenses unless we recover additional insurance proceeds or compensation for you through settlement or trial.

We Look Forward to Reviewing Your Case With No Obligations and Costs Involved. CONTACT US
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