If you’ve been affected by Hurricane Harvey, contact the Texas Hurricane Damage Lawyers at Grisham & Kendall today!
Hurricane Harvey, which hit the coast of Texas as a Category 4 hurricane near Corpus Christi, Texas, spun off several tornadoes in the greater Houston area resulting in further devastation. Many insurance claims filed by Texas property owners relative to this damage to property by Hurricane Harvey have been either outright denied or underpaid. In some cases, this improper conduct amounts to insurance bad faith and violates not only the insurance policy but Texas law.
Wind or Flood Damage (or Both)?
Hurricane Harvey caused massive damages to residential and commercial properties located in and around the Rockport, Corpus Christi, and Houston areas as well as other Texas coastal areas. The determination of what caused these damages will ultimately dictate how your claim is handled and which insurance company, if any, is responsible for your damages. For example, if the property damage was caused by wind, a standard Homeowners (or commercial property) policy would generally cover the damage. Flood losses would, as expected, be covered by any applicable flood policy in effect for the home or businesses damaged by Hurricane Harvey. To the extent both wind and flood damages occurred as a result of Harvey, both the “wind” insurance policy and the flood policy would come into play proportionate to the percentage of damages caused by the wind and flood. Arriving at consensus with your wind and/or flood carrier(s) as to the scope and amount of the wind and/or flood damage can be challenging to the say the least. If you believe your wind or flood claim has been underpaid, denied or mishandled, you will need qualified and experienced attorneys and expert consultants on your side to successfully challenge the insurance company’s findings.
See our Flood Damage, Hail and Wind Damage, and TWIA (Texas Windstorm Insurance Association) pages.