Hurricane Damage Insurance Claims Attorneys In Dallas & Houston, Texas

Wind or Flood Damage or Both?

Hurricane Damage Insurance Claims Attorneys In Dallas & Houston, Texas

Texas Litigation Firm Representing Clients Across the U.S.

Wind & Hail Damage Insurance Claim Lawyers in Texas

The attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC have extensive experience representing both residential and commercial property owners who have suffered significant weather-related damage. Hurricanes can cause massive damage to one’s property as well as threaten the safety of the persons in the vicinity of the violent winds and/or storm surge.. If your insurance company has treated you or your business unfairly by denying or underpaying your home or commercial property hurricane damage claim, don’t fight back alone against the insurance company and its well-paid group of adjusters, attorneys and experts, contact the law firm of Grisham & Kendall, PLLC for a free consultation.

Houston Hail Damage Attorneys
Grisham & Kendall, PLLC
Houston Office Location

Free Policy and Claim Review

The attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC have represented hundreds of residential and commercial property owners whose claims have been wrongly denied or underpaid. If you find yourself in a dispute with your insurance company, then then please contact us to discuss how we may be of assistance. The attorneys at Grisham & Kendall, PLLC can help you recover what you are owed under your insurance policy. Please call Grisham & Kendall, PLLC at (214) 308-2027 today.

Recent Reviews

My wife and I thought we were heading into a complicated legal odyssey with a destroyed commercial property until we hired Bill Kendall. His sustained focus and hard work was so effective that we had a great settlement within hours of the first deposition.
F. Jones
Multi-Family Property Claim (Dallas, TX)
Our large hotel was severely damaged by hail. After significant delays by the insurance company, our claim was denied. We hired Bill Kendall and Grisham & Kendall soon after. Through Bill’s efforts during our lawsuit, we were able to reach a favorable settlement close to trial. We would certainly recommend Grisham & Kendall, PLLC to any property owner whose insurance company isn’t treating them fairly.
D. Patel
Hotel Hail Claim

If you’ve been affected by Hurricane Harvey, contact the Texas Hurricane Damage Lawyers at Grisham & Kendall today!

Hurricane Harvey, which hit the coast of Texas as a Category 4 hurricane near Corpus Christi, Texas, spun off several tornadoes in the greater Houston area resulting in further devastation. Many insurance claims filed by Texas property owners relative to this damage to property by Hurricane Harvey have been either outright denied or underpaid. In some cases, this improper conduct amounts to insurance bad faith and violates not only the insurance policy but Texas law.

Wind or Flood Damage (or Both)?

Hurricane Harvey caused massive damages to residential and commercial properties located in and around the Rockport, Corpus Christi, and Houston areas as well as other Texas coastal areas. The determination of what caused these damages will ultimately dictate how your claim is handled and which insurance company, if any, is responsible for your damages. For example, if the property damage was caused by wind, a standard Homeowners (or commercial property) policy would generally cover the damage. Flood losses would, as expected, be covered by any applicable flood policy in effect for the home or businesses damaged by Hurricane Harvey. To the extent both wind and flood damages occurred as a result of Harvey, both the “wind” insurance policy and the flood policy would come into play proportionate to the percentage of damages caused by the wind and flood. Arriving at consensus with your wind and/or flood carrier(s) as to the scope and amount of the wind and/or flood damage can be challenging to the say the least. If you believe your wind or flood claim has been underpaid, denied or mishandled, you will need qualified and experienced attorneys and expert consultants on your side to successfully challenge the insurance company’s findings.

See our Flood DamageHail and Wind Damage, and TWIA (Texas Windstorm Insurance Association) pages.


We Look Forward to Reviewing Your Case With No Obligations and Costs Involved. CONTACT US

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