Houston Water Damage Lawyers

Texas Litigation Firm Representing Clients Across the U.S.

Houston Hail Damage Attorneys
Grisham & Kendall, PLLC
Houston Office Location

3515 Fannin St. Houston, TX 77004

Was Your Property Damaged or Flooded by the Texas Winter Storm?

Was your roof or residential property damaged by the recent winter storm? If so, it is advisable to review your policy and claim with an experienced attorney. Your insurance policy contains specific requirements and duties you must follow after sustaining a loss. Failure to comply with these requirements and duties may jeopardize prompt and full payment of your claim.

Water Insurance Claim Attorneys in Houston, TX

If your home has been damaged by water leaks, you should be able to depend on your home insurance to assist you in paying for repairs. Unfortunately, insurance companies are increasingly prone to denying claims in bad faith. If your insurance company has underpaid or denied your legitimate water damage claim, contact the Houston water damage attorneys of Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, today at (214) 308-2027.

Free Claim Review

If your insurance company has failed to provide adequate compensation on your water damage claim, you may wish to take legal action to get the monetary assistance you need. To speak with a reliable insurance attorney, contact a Houston water damage insurance attorney of Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, today at (214) 308-2027.

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Recent Reviews

My wife and I thought we were heading into a complicated legal odyssey with a destroyed commercial property until we hired Bill Kendall. His sustained focus and hard work was so effective that we had a great settlement within hours of the first deposition.
F. Jones
Multi-Family Property Claim (Dallas, TX)
Our large hotel was severely damaged by hail. After significant delays by the insurance company, our claim was denied. We hired Bill Kendall and Grisham & Kendall soon after. Through Bill’s efforts during our lawsuit, we were able to reach a favorable settlement close to trial. We would certainly recommend Grisham & Kendall, PLLC to any property owner whose insurance company isn’t treating them fairly.
D. Patel
Hotel Hail Claim

How We Can Help With Houston Damage Claims


At Grisham & Kendall, PLLC, our work guarantees itself. On your water damage claim, you will not owe us anything in fees or case expenses unless we recover additional insurance proceeds or compensation for you through settlement or trial.

We Look Forward to Reviewing Your Case With No Obligations and Costs Involved. CONTACT US
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