FEMA disaster assistance offers a number of means to help you recover from a disaster.
Apply for assistance on-line here: https://www.disasterassistance.gov/
Learn about individual assistance here: https://www.fema.gov/individual-disaster-assistance
What happens after you apply for assistance?
1. You may be given an application for a low cost-long term SBA loan. Completing the application helps to determine what assistance is available for you. You are not required to take out a loan, but the application may make other types of assistance available to you.
2. The SBA loan can be up to $200,000.00 to repair/replace your primary residence and up to $40,000.00 to repair/replace other personal property, including renter losses. The loan can be up to 2 million for small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives and most private, non-profits.
3. An inspector will contact you to schedule an appointment.
4. Prepare for the appointment with the inspector. Be sure you have a valid ID, proof of residence or ownership (deed, title, mortgage documents, etc.), documentation of your property loss (photos, invoices, videos, etc.). Be on time and allow 30 – 40 minutes for the meeting.
5. The inspector will wear an official FEMA ID, confirm your disaster registration number, review with you the structural and personal property damages, verify ownership and occupancy, and ask you to sign official documents.
6. The inspector won’t determine your eligibility for assistance, cost you any money, ask for your credit card information, or perform an inspection for your insurance company.
7. You will be sent a decision letter. If you are approved you will receive a check or electronic funds transfer. A follow up letter will explain how the money can be used. If you have questions about the letter, you can call FEMA at 800-621-3362 or visit https://www.fema.gov/disaster-recovery-centers